# Date / Time format ## Hexo uses Moment.js to parse and display date ## You can customize the date format as defined in ## http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/ date_format:YYYY-MM-DD time_format:HH:mm:ss
# Pagination ## Set per_page to 0 to disable pagination per_page:1000 pagination_dir:page
filter_optimize: enable:false # remove static resource query string # - like `?v=1.0.0` remove_query_string:true # remove the surrounding comments in each of the bundled files remove_comments:false css: enable:true # bundle loaded css file into the one bundle:true # use a script block to load css elements dynamically delivery:true # make specific css content inline into the html page # - only support the full path # - default is ['css/main.css'] inlines: excludes: js: # bundle loaded js file into the one bundle:true excludes: # set the priority of this plugin, # lower means it will be executed first, default is 10 priority:12
# Generate categories from directory-tree # Dependencies: https://github.com/xu-song/hexo-auto-category # depth: the depth of directory-tree you want to generate, should > 0 auto_category: enable:false depth:
sequence: # webfont: # optional, the source url of webfontloader.js # snap: # optional, the source url of snap.svg.js # underscore: # optional, the source url of underscore.js # sequence: # optional, the source url of sequence-diagram.js # css: # optional, the url for css, such as hand drawn theme options: theme: css_class:
flowchart: # raphael: # optional, the source url of raphael.js # flowchart: # optional, the source url of flowchart.js options:# options used for `drawSVG`